Expanded Scope of Practice Request Intake

This intake form is the first step in accessing the Ministry of Health’s Expanded Scope of Practice Request Process. The Ministry asks those submitting Expanded Scope of Practice Requests to use the accompanying Applicant Guide for Expanded Scope of Practice Requests.

This intake form is the first step in accessing the Ministry of Health’s Expanded Scope of Practice Request Process. The Ministry asks those submitting Expanded Scope of Practice Requests to use the accompanying Applicant Guide for Expanded Scope of Practice Requests.
The Ministry receives many requests to expand the scope of practice of regulated health professions. A complete and well-developed intake form will help the Ministry decide if an Expanded Scope of Practice Request can be further explored or if there is another organization or agency that is better suited for further conversation/investigation. The submission of an Expanded Scope of Practice Intake Form does not guarantee that the request will be selected for further consideration or evaluation by the Ministry.

Please do not provide any third-party information (i.e., talk about others) or personally identifiable information (including about yourself) in your responses to the questions below.

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555-555-5555 Missing or incorrect value

Are you submitting this form on behalf of an organization or multiple organizations?Missing or incorrect value
Have you contacted anyone else at the BC Ministry of Health or another BC Ministry about this proposed scope of practice change?Missing or incorrect value

Missing or incorrect value
2. Is this profession providing this service in any other Canadian jurisdictions?Missing or incorrect value
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Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value
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10. Do you have support from a regulatory college, health profession association, health authority(ies), or other interested parties?Missing or incorrect value

Please upload any additional information/evidence to support your proposal. Please do not include attachments containing any third-party information (i.e., talk about others) or personally identifiable information (including about yourself). (optional)

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Acceptable file type: PDF

HLTH 8129  2024/12/16
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