Vehicle Impound Refund Calculator


This calculator is for individuals or tow lot operators who are submitting requests to RoadSafetyBC for the repayment of the Vehicle Impoundment program related towing, storage, fuel, and administrative fees.
Rate reference charts can be found at the bottom of this form.
For more information, please visit the Vehicle Impoundment Information for Impound Lot Operators page.
Warning and Disclaimer
This Calculator estimates storage rates for impounded vehicles. The province of British Columbia assumes no liability for its use.

If you want to send a copy of this calculation to someone, enter their email address here. If you want to send it to more than one person, separate email addresses with a comma. NOTE: If this field is blank, you WILL get an error if you press the Send button.
If you want to save and/or send a PDF copy of this calculation, a reference number can be useful to distinguish one calculation from another. Consider using something like the Vehicle Impound Number or License Plate.

Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of towed vehicle:Missing or incorrect value
Base rate (to 6 kms): $ Missing or incorrect value
Rate/km over 6 kms: $ Missing or incorrect value
Kilometers towed: Missing or incorrect value
Was a dolly used?
Missing or incorrect value

# of Standby hours:
Standby charges: $
# of Recovery hours:
Recovery charges: $
# of Loading & Securing hours:
Loading & Securing charges: $
# of Additional Services hours:
Additonal Services charges: $
# of Clean Up hours
Clean Up charges: $
Total Additional Charges: $

Storage zone:Missing or incorrect valueSee "Rate References" if you're not sure.
Impounded date: Enter the date the vehicle was impounded.
Release date: Missing or incorrect valueEnter the date the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles orders the impounded vehicle released.
Has the vehicle been claimed?
Missing or incorrect value

Towing Charge Missing or incorrect value
Standby Hrs
Rate Missing or incorrect value
Total Missing or incorrect value
Dolly Charge Missing or incorrect value
Rec. Hrs
Rate Missing or incorrect value
Total Missing or incorrect value
Add'l Service Charges Missing or incorrect value
Load Hrs
Rate Missing or incorrect value
Total Missing or incorrect value
Storage Days Missing or incorrect value
Fuel Surcharge Missing or incorrect value
Add'l Hrs
Rate Missing or incorrect value
Total Missing or incorrect value
Storage Rate Missing or incorrect value
Storage Charge Missing or incorrect value
Clean Hrs
Rate Missing or incorrect value
Total Missing or incorrect value
Administration Fee Missing or incorrect value
Total Add'l Service Missing or incorrect value
Sub-total Missing or incorrect value
GST Missing or incorrect value
Total Missing or incorrect value
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