BC Parks Design Research Survey

Participant Form for BC Parks Design Research

Thank you for your interest in helping improve the BC Parks website. We are conducting design research and usability testing on the BC Parks website to make sure it meets the needs of all British Columbians. 
Collection Notification
This information is collected by the Ministry of Citizens' Services - Government Digital Experience under section 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used for the purpose of assisting analysis in the project described above. It may be used for training or evaluation purposes. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please contact:
Elizabeth Wrightson
Content Designer
617 Government St.
Victoria, BC V8V 1X6

Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value
How do you wish to be contacted?

The following questions are optional. These questions allow us to ensure that we are able to gather data that is representative of everyone who uses the BC Parks website.
What is your age range?
What region of B.C. do you usually live in?
8 regions of British Columbia 8 regions of British Columbia
How frequently do you visit B.C. Parks?
What do you usually visit a provincial park for?Choose all that apply
What gender identity do you most identify with?
Do you identify as Indigenous, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuit?
Do you identify as a member of a visible minority?
Do you identify as a person with a disability?
Would you like to be contacted for future sessions?

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