Practical Exam Cancellation Exemption Request

for candidates that cancel their practical exams with less than 14 days notice

Candidates who cancel a practical examination with less than 14 days’ notice, will be advised by email that the unattended session will be considered a failed attempt at the exam process and the candidate is moved to the end of the scheduling list.

If a candidate believes that they have a valid reason for cancelling their upcoming scheduled practical exam within the 14 days leading up to the exam, they may request an exemption for the cancelled practical examination within 7 days of being notified by the branch that the scheduled exam has been considered a fail. Requests for an exemption must be made in writing and must be accompanied by any supporting documents (e.g. medical certificate).

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Personal information on this form is collected by the EMA Licensing Board under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Section 26(c) Emergency and Health Services Act (section 6) and the Emergency Medical Assistant Regulation (sections 2, 3, 4, 9.2, 10 and 26). This information will be used to issue an EMA licence and maintain a permanent register of licensed EMA's. If you have any questions about the collection of this information contact our office at PO Box 9625 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria B.C., V8W 9P1, phone 250 952-1211. This information is protected from unauthorized use and disclosure in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and may be disclosed only in accordance with that Act.
HLTH 7119  Rev. 2024/09/24
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