Digital Trust sign up form

DITP research sign up form

The Digital Trust team is working to improve how citizens and residents of B.C. are securely and confidently accessing services online. If you fill out this form, we’ll let you know of paid opportunities for you to provide feedback via interviews, surveys, testing prototypes, and other ways to share your opinions.
Collection Notice
This information is collected by the Ministry of Citizens’ Services – DITP under section 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used for the purpose of assisting analysis in the project described above. It may be used for training or evaluation purposes. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please contact:

Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value

The following questions are optional. These questions allow us to ensure that we are able to gather data that is representative of all citizens and residents of British Columbia.

I currently reside in:
Map of British Columbia Map of British Columbia
I identify as (choose all that apply):
I identify as a person that faces daily barriers because of (choose all that apply):
I use any of the following (choose all that apply):
My preferred way to access government services is (choose all that apply):
I have regular access to (choose all that apply):
I am confident I can complete the following activities on my mobile device without help (choose all that apply):
My primary language is:
I’m within the age range:
Do you access government services on behalf of any of the following?
Thank you for signing up to take part in our research projects involving access to services online. We'll let you know of paid opportunities for you to provide feedback in the near future.
- The Digital Trust team

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