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SR #:
Case #:
, .
Dear test:
RE: Sponsorship Obligations - Applicant
When applying to bring you to Canada, your sponsor made some commitments to the
Federal Government of Canada. We want you to understand what those commitments
mean if you receive social assistance from the Province of British Columbia.
Under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, your sponsor must provide for your
basic needs including food, shelter and clothing. This means you should not need
social assistance programs during the sponsorship undertaking period.
As per Federal immigration legislation, if you are receiving social assistance from B.C.,
your sponsor will incur a debt and they will be reviewed for debt repayment.
You may want to discuss these commitments with your sponsor. To stop receiving
social assistance, contact your employment and assistance office at 1-866-866-0800
The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction operates under the authority of the Employment and Assistance Act and Regulations, and the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act and Regulations.
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Poverty Reduction