Participant Consent Form for COVID-19 Web Content Research and Testing

Research consent form for COVID-19 web content research and testing.

We are working to improve the COVID-19 website by making it easier to navigate and use. As part of this work, we're talking to people who use the site to participate in an online video conference session to speak about their experience and work through a few tasks on the website.
Audio Recording and Transcripts
During the study, the interviewers may take notes, make audio or video recordings or photographs to assist in the analysis. Your name and other identifiers will not be associated with the recordings, nor will the recordings be used for any purpose other than those described in this form or otherwise permitted by law. The recordings may be used for training or evaluation purposes.
All recordings, transcripts and notes will be stored for the duration of the project and then securely disposed of as transitory records in accordance with the Information Management Act and related policies.
Your confidentiality will be respected.  We will de-identify all notes and ask that you not name yourself or others in audio or video recordings.  You can choose to not be included in those recordings.
In capturing individuals’ stories and experiences, personal information of a confidential nature may be shared during the interview. In compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, all personal information will be protected using appropriate security controls.
Collection Notification
This information is collected by the Ministry of Citizens’ Services – GDX under section 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used for the purpose of assisting analysis in the project described above. It may be used for training or evaluation purposes. If you have question about how your information is used, please contact:
Skyler Erasmus
Content Design Lead
617 Government St.
Victoria, BC V8V 1X6

I agree to being video recorded for the purposes described above.
Missing or incorrect value
I agree to being audio taped for the purposes described above.
Missing or incorrect value
I agree to screen capture recording for the purposes described above.
Please select an option

I understand the following:
  • I have read and understood the Participant Consent form
  • I have had the opportunity to ask question and have had satisfactory responses to my questions
  • I will receive a dated and signed copy of this form
Missing or incorrect value
Please provide a valid email address
Date Missing or incorrect value
Are you currently one of the following:
  • Employee or contractor of the BC Public Service
  • Employee of an organization that receives operating funding from the Province
  • Municipal or federal employee

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