HCA Recruitment Incentive Program Change Request

Participants in the HCA Recruitment Incentive Program must provide written notification to the Ministry of Health of any change(s) in employment status, in advance of changing employers or starting a new position.

Program participants must provide written notification to the Ministry of Health of any change(s) in employment status, in advance of changing employers or starting a new position. Please complete the form below, and attach relevant documentation, where required.

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Personal information is collected via this form under sections 26(c) and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) for the purposes of administering the Health Care Assistant Recruitment Incentive Program.
Personal information will only be used by authorized personnel to fulfill the purpose for which it was originally collected or for a use consistent with that purpose unless you expressly consent otherwise. We do not disclose your information to other public bodies or individuals except as authorized by FOIPPA.
If you have any questions about our collection or use of personal information, please direct your inquiries to the Director, Strategic Initiatives, Labour and Agreements, 1515 Blanshard Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 3C8. Telephone: 236-478-3520, Email:

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To protect your personal information from third parties, we will not send you a copy of this form by email. If you want to keep a copy for your records, you can download a copy using the PDF button below.

For questions regarding this form, please contact HCAincentive@gov.bc.ca.

Use the submit button to send your HCA Recruitment Incentive Change Request form to the Ministry of Health. We will contact you within 3 weeks regarding your confirmation.
HLTH 8104  2021/07/29
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