Request to Discontinue Access to PharmaNet for Community Health Practitioners

Use this form if you need to discontinue your access to PharmaNet in one or more private community health practice(s).

Use this form if you need to discontinue your access to PharmaNet in one or more private community health practice(s).
This form may be used by regulated PharmaNet users (e.g., physicians) as well as those who access PharmaNet on behalf of others (e.g., medical office assistants).
If you need to discontinue a private community health practice’s access to PharmaNet, you must (also) fill out sections 1 and 5 of PharmaNet Access Request (PDF) and submit using the secure upload tool.
Missing or incorrect value

Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value

Missing or incorrect value

PharmaNet software vendor(s) at the site who provide the access you are discontinuing. Check all that apply:

If you are discontinuing access at more than four practices, please fill out and submit this form a second time.

If you are the only practitioner (physician, pharmacist, or nurse practitioner) who accesses PharmaNet at a community practice, you will need to discontinue the practice’s PharmaNet access as well as your individual access. To discontinue the practice’s access, submit a PharmaNet Access Request (PDF) form using the secure upload tool.

For more information contact:

HLTH 7092  2023/12/08
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