Childcare BC - Temporary Inclusion Support Fund Application

[DRAFT] Child Care Capital

Ministry of Children and Family Development

The information collected on this form is collected under the authority of the Child Care BC Act (SBC 2001, c. 4) and will be used for the purpose of administering the Childcare BC Temporary Inclusion Support Fund. Any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information should be directed to the Director, Child Care Capital and Community Services Branch, PO Box 9788 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9S5. Phone: In Victoria: 250-356-6501. Elsewhere in BC, Toll Free: 1-888-338-6622, option 5, Fax: 250-387-2997.

If you have any questions, please call the Childcare BC Temporary Inclusion Support Fund program toll free at 1-888-338-6622 (option 5) or by email at

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