Submit your completed Advisory Committee on Diagnostic Facilities Application or Notification Form


Below is the secure upload tool for submitting completed Advisory Committee on Diagnostic Facilities (ACDF) Application and Notification forms.
Please ensure that your form is complete and fully authorized prior to submitting.  Only complete and authorized Application and Notification forms can be processed.
This secure upload tool is for submitting completed ACDF Application and Notification forms only. Assignment of Payment forms should be submitted using the Assignment of Payment secure upload tool. If you have questions related to any of the Application or Notification forms, contact Diagnostic Facilities Administration at
To submit a completed Application or Notification form:
  1. Print/scan the completed, appropriately signed Application or Notification form and save a digital copy to your computer.
  2. Complete all contact information fields below.
  3. Click “Select file” and locate the scanned form on your computer.
  4. Submit form.
Note: Please scan the completed Application or Notification form, and any supporting documents, into a single PDF (or other acceptable format) file prior to submitting. Attach only one form per submission.
Please be aware you will receive a confirmation email upon submission of form. If you do not receive an email, please check your junk mail folder.

Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value
555-555-5555 Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect valuehealth authority or private entity
Missing or incorrect valuehospital or private facility

Please attach only one form per submission.
Missing or incorrect value

Please attach only one form per submission.
Drag file here or select file.
Remove File
Missing or incorrect valueAcceptable file types: PDF, JPG, PNG, TIF, or BMP

HLTH 8124  2024/09/26
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