Video controls test (experimental)

Tests the 'experimental' video attachment controls.

Orbeon released a couple of new video controls with version 2023.1. These are stiil in the 'experimental' stage.
This test:
  • Confirms that videos can be embedded or uploaded
  • Demonstrates the current behaviours for interaction and processing

Static video control This video is embedded in the form for the user to view.
Video attachment control This video represents one that could be uploaded by a user.
Production tests:
  1. Click the PDF button to check how the videos are rendered in the PDF
  2. Enter your email address (right) and Submit to see how videos are handled in email
The email template includes the "All Control Values" function, so the video may:
  • Just be referenced by file name
  • Be embedded in the email
Missing or incorrect value
Form Submitted
Review Form Validation Messages
Unable to complete action
Create link to share