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About the Project
The Service Design team in Government Digital Experience is working with the Ministry of Health to better understand how people are finding, accessing and using health information and services in the context of COVID-19. GDX Service Designers will combine a human-centered, strategic service design approach (jurisdictional/desktop, qualitative and quantitative design research) with agile UX prototyping (testing and improving a digital prototype) with citizens and relevant stakeholders.
Audio Recordings and Transcripts
During the interview or workshop, the interviewers and facilitators may take notes, make audio or video recordings or photographs to assist in the analysis. Your name and other identifiers will not be associated with the recordings, nor will the recordings be used for any purpose other than those described in this form or otherwise permitted by law. The recordings may be used for training or evaluation purposes.
All recordings, transcripts and notes will be stored for the duration of the project and then securely disposed of as transitory records in accordance with the Information Management Act and related policies.
Your confidentiality will be respected. We will de-identify all notes and ask that you not name yourself or others in audio or video recordings. You can choose to not be included in those recordings.
In capturing individuals’ stories and experiences, personal information of a confidential nature may be shared during the interview or workshop. In compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, all personal information will be protected using appropriate security controls.
Notification of Collection
This information is collected by the Ministry of Citizens’ Services - GDX under section 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of assisting analysis in the project described above. It may be used for training or evaluation purposes. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please contact:
Meg Stiven
a/Director, Service and Content Design
Government Digital Experience Division, Ministry of Citizens’ Services
250 893-1170
617 Government St., Victoria, BC V8V 1X6